Again, this provides a way to define data that is independent of any programming language or platform. 再一次,这又提供了一种独立于任何编程语言或平台的定义数据的方法。
JavaScript is a standard, syntactically simple, object-oriented, interpretive programming language supported by browsers and other processors. JavaScript是标准的、语法简单的、面向对象的、受浏览器和其他处理器支持的解释性编程语言。
The Java programming language provides the JDBC API, which defines how to access a relational database. Java编程语言提供了JDBCAPI,它定义了怎样访问一个关系数据库。
Namespaces exist in many languages, including C++ and the Java ™ programming language. 很多语言都提供了名称空间特性,包括C++和Java™编程语言。
This analogy extends to the Python programming language and the special container type known as a dictionary. 这种概念延伸到Python编程语言中,就成了特殊的容器类型,称为dictionary。
By encouraging remote invocation we can decouple location, platform, and programming language. 通过鼓励进行远程调用,我们可以进行位置、平台和编程语言分离。
JDBC provides a standard way to connect to any database using the Java programming language. JDBC提供了使用Java编程语言连接任何数据库的标准方法。
In those cases, the model is bound directly to the programming language, which inhibits data exchange. 在这些情况中,模型直接与编程语言绑定,这阻止了数据交换功能。
This use of metadata extends the underlying programming language and the compiler. 对元数据的这种使用扩展了底层编程语言和编译器。
The concepts, however, apply to any programming language and environment. 不过,其中的概念也适用于任何编程语言和环境。
The framework implements the same concepts of asynchronous component, vat, and promise as the E programming language. 框架实现了与E编程语言相同的异步组件概念、vat、和promise。
Knowledge of the Java programming language and a basic understanding of J2EE APIs and technology is assumed. 本文假设您懂得Java编程语言并对J2EEAPI和技术有基本的理解。
This poses a problem for Java programs because the Java programming language does not support unsigned types. 这对于Java程序又产生了问题,因为Java编程语言不支持无符号数类型。
It combines an interface and a programming language into a dynamic tool for both numerical and symbolic problem solving. 它在一个动态工具中组合了界面和编程语言,可同时用于数字和符号问题的解答。
Support for a single programming language and a single web container are insufficient. 只对单一编程语言和单一Web容器提供支持是还不够的。
You should be familiar with using Apache Ant build tools and the Java programming language. 您应当熟悉使用ApacheAnt构建工具和Java编程语言。
This simplification leads to a simple, powerful programming language. 这项简化措施让Self成为了一门简单但功能却很强大的编程语言。
For example, the C programming language has integer and floating-point types. 例如,C编程语言具有整型和浮点类型。
The VUE language resembles both the C programming language and scripting languages available on AIX. VUE语言与C语言和AIX可用的脚本语言相似。
I have chosen RPG IV free format style as my host based programming language. 我选择了RPGIV自由格式样式作为我的基于主机的编程语言。
Scala aims at providing a programming language which unifies and generalizes key concepts from both object-oriented and functional styles. Scala旨在提供一种编程语言,能够统一和一般化分别来自面向对象和函数式两种不同风格的关键概念。
A programming language acts as a translator between you and the computer. 程序设计语言是你和计算机之间的媒介。
A high-level programming language with a small repertoire of commands and a simple syntax widely used in microcomputers. 一种高级程序设计语言,由少量命令和简单的语法所组成,广泛应用在微型计算机中。
His research includes programming language design, implementation and theory. 他的研究领域包括编程语言的设计、实现和理论。
A programming language designed for applications requiring numeric computations and some logical processes. 一种程序设计语言,主要为需要数值计算和某些逻辑处理的应用程序而设计的。
A programming language based on ALGOL and designed for non-numeric manipulation of mathematical expressions. 一种以ALGOL语言为基础,为数学表达式进行非数值操作而设计的程序设计语言。
The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and includes components written in C and assembler. 该框架是在书面红宝石的编程语言和书面组件包括在C和汇编。
Inferno logically mirrors Java by including a virtual machine, programming language, and communications protocol. Inferno包含了虚拟机、编程语言和通信协议,故在逻辑上是Java的镜像。
This essay introduces generics, a new characteristic of programming language. 文章简介了编程语言的一种新特性&泛型。
But in Project Zero and the Zero platform, we've promoted Java to the system programming language. 但是在Zero项目和Zero平台中,我们将Java提升为系统编程语言。